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Sisters Cracking Up

Oct 21, 2022

Are you Shaman-curious? Does the idea that there's more to the Universe than what you can see, feel, and touch intrigue you? 

In the spirit of opening our minds (and yours!), we invited Shaman Brad Little Frog to be our guest on Sisters Cracking Up.

Join us as we delve into how a shaman can help heal your mind, spirit,...

Oct 7, 2022

Anxiety, anyone? Yep, we thought so.

That's why we invited The Anxiety Sisters (Abbe Greenberg and Maggie Sarachek) to come on Sisters Cracking Up and teach us a thing or two about living with and managing anxiety.

Their book, The Anxiety Sisters' Survival Guide: How You Can Become More Hopeful, Connected, and Happy, is...